17 month update: DIET MATTERS!

Hello everybody!

I am very well! Haven’t had a flare in a while. I just had a 28hr flight and while skin dried out a bit nothing happened that doesn’t happens to normal people. Considering I don’t even use moisturizers, my skin did fantastic.

That said, the past month or so I have been very bad about my diet. I am allergic to chocolate and shrimp. I also seem to be intolerant to gluten and lactose. Alcohol is just bad for everybody. I have been having all of the above and my skin is the worst it has been today than it has been for months! I broke out into hives that are mildly itchy. While annoying, I am not worried. I guess it’s annoying that I know my skin will continue to be sensitive, but I am also very relieved that I know what triggers my skin.

I have also been feeling sick and my period is about to start which negatively affects my skin as well. Honestly though, considering how I used to be, I’m not complaining! I am cautiously thinking what I have is no longer topical steroid withdrawal but just eczema. The hives are all located in the usual areas I had eczema as a child.

While for some diet does not affect their skin, it clearly affects mine. If you have been going through topical steroid withdrawal for a long time and still are struggling, I highly recommend you look at your diet.

1-26-15 (worst in months! No moisturizer used)





1-23-15 (before departing for 28hr flight)


