3 yr 8 month


First off, I AM SO SORRY! I have become one of those Topical Steroid Withdrawal bloggers who got better and fell off the surface of the blog. I really didn’t mean to, but life got in the way and my phone is still broken.

My life has been very eventful, but my skin hasn’t been. I have some dryness here and there, but nothing that would be considered out of ordinary with “normal-skinned” people. It’s dry when I first come out of the (admittedly very long and pretty hot) shower, but it goes away in time without mositurizer. My friends still tell me my skin looks amazing, so there’s that. I will prove it to you with pics when my phone arrives.

I hope you are well, and know that it gets better.


3 years 2 months


Sorry about the long absence. Life happens, and I got lazy.

Short news is I’m doing great! Life is awesome. Skin is wonderful, as it have been for a while. I am still gluten free and lactose free, although I’ve been eating a lot of cheese lately.


Long news to come, with pictures, when my phone stops being stupid and lets me update from it.

I hope you are doing okay. <3


Almost 36month!


I am so sorry Ive been gone so long. Honestly, I am not busy at all, just lazy haha. My skin is still doing well. It is kind of allergic to the sun, and its very sunny here, so sometimes I get minor rahes. Its not even itchy so I don’t mind. Body is still moisturizer free 99.99% of time (I cant remember the last time but Im sure it has happened) face I sometimes use moisturizer if I wash my face with face wash. Usually it’s water and leave alone method for me. Diet is still gf, lf, try to stay away from sugar.

Just a quick update to let you guys know how I am doing. Here are some photos from life. Remember, pics or it didn’t happen :D But really, I would be wary of claims of people being healed if there are no photos to back it up.





Times square is best 7 in the morning lulz.


Before I started juice cleanse…. i will post more about it, but the tl;dr is NotWorthIt!!!

That’s it for now! Long update coming for 3 yr mark! Crossing my fingers the anniversary flare doesnt happen! I hope you are feeling better.

28.5 update w pictures


I am doing really well! I’ve told myself I will keep updating even when things are good but alas, I’ve been very bad about that. My apologies.

I have been traveling a lot, working, studying. Things are busy and the past couple month my skin has been at 100%. Even when my diet is bad, it’s been good. The cold is very good for my skin.

There aren’t too many only skin close up pictures. But they are all well. The pictures are mainly from my trav
els. Maybe you can imagine you are there too if you are currently homebound.

Stay strong!









Did well even in hot and humid Guam! Ate badly too :3 but the skin held up!




Awk face.. But you can see my arm skin, etc haha




When I was in Japan- first time travelling with good skin since I started TSW! It was amazing. Healing happens!





Photos from October 25 2015 and before (when the weather was above freezing)








And there it is. Sorry for such a delay. I hope you are doing well today…. And if not, know that you are not alone, ans that this will pass. <3

Almost 26 month update


It’s been so so long. I’m sorry. I am in Korea and have gotten lazy at updating my blog. I told myself that I wouldn’t, as continuously updated blog after “healing,etc,or break or whatever” is such a valuable asset to the community… but alas, I have fallen behind.

My skin stagnated for few month from 23 or 23.5 or so to 25. It was hot and humid in Korea, and my skin hates it. It was minor enough – I was still fully functional, but my arm crease and neck were visibly irritated.

Starting from couple weeks ago, my skin started to clear up rapidly, then I started another flare two? days ago or so. Thankfully, I seem to already be in the drying out phase. Unlike LA, Korea has very distinct seasons, and as the weather is transitioning to dry and cold, my skin seems to be in the adjusting period.

That is the quick update – I am still alive, skin is doing well, although it can still be better. Pictures will come soon, I promise!!

Hope your TSW journey is going well. <3

Month 22.5 update!

I’m not sure what happened but this post got completely erased the first time around… so here we go again!

Since I am updating this on July 6th, I can talk about the plane ride as well.

Unfortunately, my skin underwent a minor flare for threeish weeks. or two. something like that. And since about two/three weeks ago, it’s been on recovering mode. The flare itself was pretty minor – I’ve been itchy, no oozing, sleep is fine, energy level were fine. Humidity, sweat and heat are enemies of my skin, and unfortunately, the weather is becoming increasingly humid and hot. For shame! But skin is continuing to recover. I’ve been attempting to be good about my diet again, since when I was at LA, I went a bit crazy with gluten and lactose consumption. To balance out, I’ve also drank lots of green juice. So far, skin seems to be doing ok.

The flight over was drying, but it was manageable. I lucked out and manage to have the entire row of seats to myself, so I slept for good 10 hours of the trip. That was wonderful. I am at a stage where I am beginning to think moisturizer will do more good than harm, when applied judiciously. I have a much better understanding of my skin, and a such, I can tell when my skin is dry, and need moisturizer, and when the skin is flaring.

Attached are few photos. Hope everybody is doing well!





Month 19.5 to 20.5 update (pic heavy!)

Hello all!

Life has been awesome here at Korea, because my skin has been awesome. There is a sulfur spring about an hour away that I try to go whenever I feel a flare starting. I’ve been about three since I got to Korea. I’m just coming off from a small flare, which I attribute to binge eating dairy and gluten. I’ve noticed when I come off from a flare I poo a lot better too than during. I believe Ryan of Australia said something similar. I’ve been doing moisturizer withdrawal until today -May 8th 2015. Since my face is producing oils and I’ve only been washing it with water, I’ve been getting acne on my forehead (which you will see). While acne is million times better than TSW, I decided I will wash my face with a gentle cleanser now and moisturize afterwards . I will keep you updated on how that goes!

Every time my husband and I meet my skin goes dramatically downhill. Since he is coming soon, I am keeping my fingers crossed! It looks good so far! :D

Pic taken right after sulfur hot spring, no moisturizer. Apr 4th 2015









Sulfur hot spring changes my silver ring! My wedding band is used to gauge the concentration of sulfur haha
Right after sulfur hot spring no moisturizer may 4th 2015. Face looks worse than this the front camera quality is just worse so it smoothes everything out.

Taken today(may 8th 2015), right after washing my face and applying moisturizer. No moisturizer anywhere else. Face so far feels good! Flared spots are drying out and peeling off, and it’s very reminiscent of eczema I used to have.









I’m not itchy at all unless I’m flaring and even then it was very minor. Skin is an after thought. I sleep well and haven’t suffered from TSW related symptoms in a long while.

I hope you are doing well. I’m always here if you ever want to talk, etc. Stay strong!

Month 19 update


Just got out of a warm long shower and skin is feeling good! Moisturized and not itchy. Woot Woot!

Skin is doing great! Seoul is much more polluted than Melbourne and LA and the yellow dust sometimes makes my eyes water. More worrying is how it seems to affect my lung capacity…. But skin is doing well!

Feeling good! Life is back to normal. I have school full time and 7-9hr days don’t bother me. I do watch my health very closely though and try to eat healthy. Get a lot of sleep and greens etc. Still not using any kind of moisturizer just letting the skin moisturize itself. It’s crazy the changes our body go through and just how adaptable it is.






Month 18 and 18.5 update

Month 18 – Feb 23 2015:
Sigh. I wish I had good news so badly, but alas, my skin keeps getting worse. I am itchy and dry everywhere. During the day itch isn’t so bad but during nights it becomes really bad. In addition I can’t fall asleep at night and I am oozey. My semester starts in a week in a different country (thank God I at least speak the language). I am trying to stay positive, but on the sleepless nights I find myself overwhelmed and terrified.

I’ll be all alone at Korea – no parents or husband. I don’t even have a place to live yet… My skin hasn’t been this bad in over a year. Open wounds have returned. Imsomnia, chills, oozing, itch fits all have returned. At least I don’t have nerve pain.

I will still fight hard to stay positive. And I think I’ll succeed. But tonight I seem to be at a low point. I have 8 hr flight ahead of me- the last 5 hr dried out not only only the skin but the mucus membranes as well. I can’t even take lots of antihistamines because they make my teeth chip.

I will stay the course and stay off steroids… But I totally understand why some go back to it.

February 22/3 2015- after day in bali





Shirt I wore in bali


Shirt I wore in bali

Also early February, I was really concerned because I got blisters on my hands and feet. Throughout the whole the my feet and hands were spared of symptoms so it was alarming. Thankfully it went away and stayed away.



Progress of worsening skin – look at my neck. Pic in order of older to newer




I think my flare peaked a day or two after this picture then at Bali.

It started to get a bit better after I came back from camping.

Month 18.5 – March 7th 2015

When I wrote the 18month update, I was in a hopeless place. I did enjoy Bali though, but that humid and heat was bad bad bad for my skin.

So as expected the flight was pretty bad. I was really red and irritated itchy and sleep was hard, etc.

As I stayed at very cold and dry Korea, my skin healed up pretty nicely. I sleep well at night, I’m not too itchy, and skin is dry but is starting to adjust to the dryness of Korea (still no moisturizer!).

The change was pretty fast- makes me think not everyone does well in the Sun/summer/sand/salt. I got worse and worse while I went camping by the sea and attempted to stay in cold salt water despite the pain. In the cold (around just below freezing) my skin got noticeably better everyday – so much so that within 2 days my friend said “oh your skin looks so much better now.”

I’m not too worried anymore about studying. I am still kind of flaky but much better than how I was. Still not 100% but I think I’ll get there in time. It’s just a pity that my skin flares seem to align with whenever I am with my husband. Our running joke is that I am allergic to him… Hopefully not!

Below pictures were taken March 7 2015





I am enjoying Korea though despite the hectic schedule till now. Some pictures from Jeju island (March 27-29 2015, chronologically)





So thankful skin improved! Happy healing everybody! Fight the good fight.